Friday, September 29, 2006

Stephen A. Smith on the future of the Middle East, oil consumption, and the war in Iraq

Anytime someone in the aggressively apolitical wide world of sports rages against the injustices of the day, it's welcome. Even when the voice belongs to Stephen A. Smith, best known as the bombastic host of the ESPN2 television program Quite Frankly. When he is not playing the role of "Screamin' A. Smith" on television, Smith is the lead sports columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer.

His writing skills are sharper than Dikembe's elbows, and his ability to forge relationships with players is exemplary. But then there is that voice. That hyper-caffeinated, volume-eleven foghorn of Stephen A. always has me peering up for an incoming grenade. It is like listening to Chris Rock, without the jokes. Maybe that voice is all too fitting for a sports world blown totally out of proportion. Maybe the "Screamin' A." way is the future and young announcers will start dropping steroid-soaked throat lozenges. Maybe I'll now Van Gogh my ears.

So imagine my shock after seeing Stephen A. on a recent CNN Live Event Special debating the future of the Middle East, oil consumption, the war in Iraq, energy alternatives and other issues. The shock was not that Stephen A. could hold his own. It's that his voice of perpetual disgust and alarm seemed oddly appropriate and satisfying when discussing US foreign policy. Stephen A. was joined by a pedestrian group of yipping talk-radio heads, but he was the only one from the world of sports. Here is an edited play-by-play of Stephen A.'s CNN smackdown:

Stephen A. started slow: "[When] we're looking at the Bush Administration--and I'm not casting aspersions on them--saying we know definitely they lied about this that or the other. I'm saying that's the appearance that it gives, so you don't trust the leadership that is telling you."

But he got in touch with his inner Iverson when he took on racial profiling of Arabs and Muslims. Radio America's Ben Ferguson, whom I have never heard of but who seems to be to the right of Attila the Hun, said, "We're so worried about being politically correct, we don't want to offend anyone, and say we're going back to the '60s or '50s or whatever it may be, because that's what people say. If you profile people, you're being racist. No, I'm racist towards terrorists and if you fit the profile of a terrorist, then I don't like you."

Stephen A. was the only panelist to stand up to this racist garbage: "What's the profile of a terrorist?... Hold on, now. Let's be clear about something. When you talk about Timothy McVeigh or what have you, in Oklahoma City, he didn't fit the profile."

Ferguson responded: "But I think most Americans admit, when you get on a plane--be honest--you know exactly who makes you nervous when you get on a plane.... Do they not all look the same?... The people that did 9/11, people that did the Madrid? Do they not all fit--"

Smith shut him down: "But that's bigotry."

As the subject turned to Iraq and Afghanistan, you could see Stephen A. start to muscle-twitch, getting in that comfort zone. Ferguson, whom Stephen A. was starting to treat like Vince Carter treated Frederic Weis when he dunked on his head at the 2000 Olympics, said, "If you got a problem, you can either witch about it, or you can fix it."

"So, 100,000 lives have been lost. What's your definition of fixing the problem?" Stephen A responded. And after the conversation took a few more turns, he said, "There's plenty of people--I'm telling you right now, you know how many soldiers I run into, American soldiers--American soldiers--who we unequivocally support, and they say we have no business over there. Most of those people don't even want to be over there. They actually say that."

At the end Screamin' A. truly emerged to give his view of the current political climate in the United States. "I think moderation will kick in, but only after America continues to burn. I think America's burning as we speak and anything that's burning ultimately [changes] form."

This is time that we should be cheering at sports events and screaming at politicians. But these days, it's vice versa. After hearing Stephen A. rage against the political machine, I found myself wishing his daily platform were in politics and not sports. Maybe we can trade him for former ESPN employee Rush Limbaugh. It would be tough to endure Limbaugh on Sportscenter, but it would be worth it.

Robert Downey Jr.: I am 'Iron Man'

LOS ANGELES, California (Hollywood Reporter) -- Robert Downey, Jr. is suiting up to star in "Iron Man," a superhero movie based on the Marvel Comics character.

Jon Favreau is directing the Paramount Pictures release. Filming is slated to begin in February in Los Angeles.

Downey will portray Tony Stark, a billionaire industrialist and genius inventor who is kidnapped and forced to build a devastating weapon. Using his intelligence and ingenuity, Stark instead builds a high-tech suit of armor and escapes captivity. Upon his return to the U.S., he uncovers a plot with global implications and must don his armor and protect the world.

The comic debuted in the 1960s, and Iron Man's origin involved Stark being a prisoner of the Viet Cong. The movie version will be set in today's geopolitical climate.

Budgeted at more than $100 million, it marks the first feature film to be produced independently by Marvel Entertainment, which previously licensed its characters, such as "Spider-Man" and "X-Men," to other studios.

Marvel president of production Kevin Feige said the filmmakers looked for the best actor to embody the character.

"The Marvel characters are not just about how high they jump or how fast they fly, they're about their character flaws," Feige said. "They're about their inner demons. They're about the struggles that they go through between being a man and being a hero."

Downey, who has battled his fair share of inner demons, worked hard to get the role, getting in shape and even growing a goatee like the one Stark sports in the comic books.

"In every casting announcement we've done, people in their mind's eye have their own view of it and let us know about it. We're used to it," Feige said. "The point is, we looked at everybody, and we found the best person for the role. It's as confident a casting move as we've ever done. The proof will be in the pudding, but he is Tony Stark."


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Did Whitlock Really Say That? A Q&A With Jason Whitlock

This is an excerpt from "The Big Lead Blog"

Q: Why’d you leave Page 2? Did your feud with Scoop Jackson have anything to do with you leaving?

I’ve always disagreed with Page 2 about the value of my column. But when I started, it was an opportunity to write alongside Ralph Wiley, Hunter S. Thompson and Bill Simmons. That’s a great lineup, and I just wanted to be in the middle of that order somewhere. Page 2 had a lot of energy. Ralph and Hunter passed, Simmons got his own page, the editor who kicked me ideas (Jay Lovinger) got promoted and suddenly I was batting in a very different lineup, and the new manager had me hitting a lot lower in the order. I wasn’t real comfortable, but I figured I’d let things play out. I quit doing radio and had more time to focus on my weekly ideas. The column was already game tight, but the frequency, consistency and content all improved. The compensation didn’t, the place in the batting order didn’t and the team started shopping for talent in remote locations.

Q: What about Scoop? Based on the way you bitch-slapped him in the KC Star, you couldn’t have liked working with him.

We didn’t work together. But, yeah, there’s a big dropoff from being associated with Ralph, Hunter and Bill than being linked to someone doing a bad Nat X impersonation. It pissed me off that the dude tried to call himself the next Ralph Wiley and stated some [bleep] about carrying Ralph’s legacy. Ralph was one of my best friends. I hate to go all Lloyd Bentsen, but Scoop Jackson is no Ralph Wiley. Ralph was a grown-ass man who didn’t bojangle for anybody. Scoop is a clown. And the publishing of his fake ghetto posturing is an insult to black intelligence, and it interferes with intelligent discussion of important racial issues. Scoop showed up on the scene and all of a sudden I’m getting e-mails from readers connecting what I write to Scoop. And his stuff is being presented like grown folks should take it seriously. Please. I guess I’ll go Bill Cosby on you, but it’s about time we as black people quit letting Flavor Flav and the rest of these clowns bojangle for dollars. There’s going to be a new civil-rights movement among black people and the people bojangling for dollars are going to be put in check.

Q: A Civil Rights movement? In 2006?

Dude, it’s in the air. Black people are tired of letting idiots define who we are. It’s dangerous. I grew up loving hip hop music. But the [bleep] is way out of hand now. Flavor Flav went from fighting the power with Chuck D to a minstrel show on VH1. You have all of these young rap idiots putting out negative images about black men and black women, and it’s on us to stop it and say enough is a enough. It’s not on white people. And it’s not on old black people like Cosby and Oprah. We have to police our own. W.E.B. Dubois talked about the talented 10 percent leading the black masses. We’re letting the Ignorant 5 lead us straight to hell. The Ignorant 5 are telling white folks, “Yeah, this is how we really is. Let me bojangle for ya, boss. You say step and I’ll show ya I can fetch.” And what’s even more dangerous, the Ignorant 5 are telling black kids, “It’s cool to be locked up. It makes a man out of you. And don’t embrace education. Dealing dope and playing basketball are better career choices.” The Ignorant 5 is the new KKK and twice as deadly. That’s why you don’t hear ‘bout the KKK anymore. The Klan is just sitting back letting 50 Cent and all the other bojanglers do all the heavy lifting.

Q: Will you remain a sports columnist? And isn’t it time you moved out of the sticks in Kansas City?

Yeah, I’m always going to keep a hand in the sports world. Writing about sports is a great platform to write about the rest of life. Plus, the sports world and the entertainment world are where much of the bojangling is taking place. I haven’t left the Kansas City Star because I’m treated well there, enjoy the freedom, love the city, the Internet makes the world much smaller and, most important, I have a good boss. Most sports editors want to be at home by 4 p.m. or three Martinis down by 6 p.m. My boss (Mike Fannin) likes to work. He understands what diversity is. It’s not a bunch of different color faces. It’s long debates and occasional heated arguments and forgetting about it the next day. I come at things from a totally different perspective from most columnists. I throw heat, and I throw a knuckleball. The sports editor is going to have to flop around in the dirt once or twice a month. Most people don’t want to work that hard. They’d prefer to get handed an 88-mph feature story right down the middle of the plate, and they want it by 3 p.m.

Q: Why AOL Sports? Sportsline and Yahoo are emerging as players.

Neal Scarbrough, the head of AOL, doesn’t mind catching knuckleballs. He brought me in over at Page 2. He’s good people. And I’m a risk-taker by nature. AOL Sports has nowhere to go but up. I talked with CBS about a year ago, but the guy running the place didn’t have a concrete plan. Yahoo and SI have never shown an interest.

Q: Who are your boys in the sports writing industry? Who do you read?

Jeff Chadiha of Sports Illustrated is my boy. We go back to my days in Ann Arbor. Jeff and his wife just moved to Kansas City, and we’ve been working on a TV pilot for the past two years. The dude is just a rock-solid human being and real freaking smart. Jason King of the KC Star is my dog. He covers the University of Kansas. He’s the best beat writer in the country. He breaks news and writes great features. You can’t beat that combination. Terrence Harris of the Houston Chronicle is my brother from another mother. We disagree on damn near everything, but that’s definitely my boy. Bob Wojnowski of the Detroit News might be the coolest cat in the business. If Wojo had my ego, he’d be considered the best columnist in the country. Well, he’d also need to work for a newspaper that actually cared about its product. But that’s outside his control. Damn, can’t forget JA and Lonnie White out in LA. Greg Couch in Chicago. Who do I read? Simmons, TJ Simers, Wilbon, Deadspin, John Feinstein’s books, message boards and Scoop Jackson whenever I’ve overeaten and want to purge.

Q: In one of your most memorable appearances on The Sports Reporters, you got into a tiff with Mike Lupica and Mitch Albom when you said sports was just ‘entertainment.’ Lupica told you to go work on ‘Entertainment Tonight.’ You haven’t appeared with either of them since. Have the three of you kissed and made up?

I don’t have a problem with Mitch Albom. Lupica is an insecure, mean-spirited busybody. He’s upset because I put a clown suit on him on that show and in a follow-up column I wrote for ESPN. His little disingenuous overreaction to an opinion I’d stated previously on the show was staged to try to put me in a bad light. I guess no one had ever informed Mike that the E in ESPN stood for Entertainment. The Little Fella probably won’t let the producer (Joe Valerio) have me back on the show again. That’s cool. They’re mostly upset that I wouldn’t participate in their Barry Bonds witch hunt and help them single Bonds out as the creator of steroids. Lupica doesn’t like to be disagreed with, and he’s spoken so abusively to that producer for years that the producer probably doesn’t realize people are allowed to disagree with Lupica. I enjoyed my time on the show. But if the price of admission is stepping to Lupica’s drum, I’m more than happy to go without.

Q: Will your departure from impact your status on other shows at the network, like Rome is Burning, PTI, or The Sports Reporters?

I don’t think so. Kornheiser, Wilbon and Rome actually have legitimate self-confidence and don’t mind seeing other people stating opinions. And I don’t have a problem with ESPN. It’s a great network. The producers I work with on PTI and Rome are great and don’t have a problem with me stating my opinions. I don’t see Lupica having the power to interfere with what I do on other shows. But I could be wrong. And I don’t see the people at caring that I left for a better opportunity. I did five years at Page 2 for next to no money. I’m not Kunta Kinte. I got’s to feed my family. I left .com on good terms. No hard feelings.

Q: People say you play the race card far too frequently. Your response?

Black people think I’m too hard on black people. They write me and tell me I’m a sellout. White people say I play the race card too much when I question the timing of Charlie Weis’ contract extension. But those same white people write me love letters when I blast off into the way the media and a prosecutor tried to crucify the Duke lacrosse players on the word of a couple of black criminal escorts. I’m going to write about race because race is an issue in America and my life experience has put me in a position to have something insightful and intelligent to say about race. I don’t have an agenda when it comes to racial issues. There’s enough stupidity on both sides of America’s black-white dilemma to keep me typing for years. I don’t have a guilty conscience about race. The people in my life know that I choose my friends solely on the content of their character. And I don’t choose sides in my column based on the color of anyone’s skin.

Q: The photo of you suffocating the sofa is truly hilarious. What’s the story behind it?

Love that picture. Makes me laugh every time I see it. It’s a picture of me after I finished my morning radio show. It’s from back in the days when I hosted “Jason Whitlock’s Neighborhood” from 6 to 9 weekday mornings. You ever wake up at 4 a.m. Monday thru Friday? That’ll have your ass falling out on the first couch you see at 9:05 a.m. I think that picture was taken the day after our charity flag football game. It was a big party the night before (after the game). I’m not a big drinker, but it was a tradition for my team to lose and for me to drown my sorrows in Crown Royal and then stumble in and talk about it on the radio. That picture puts a smile on my face.

Madden Curse Strikes Again?

Alexander Out With Broken Foot

Alexander suffered a broken left foot and will miss at least the next few weeks with the injury. Seattle's head coach Mike Holmgren said Monday that a bone scan revealed Alexander suffered a "small crack" and "displaced fracture" on a non-weight-bearing bone in his foot at some point during the Seahawks' 42-30 victory over the New York Giants on Sunday.

The foot has apparently been bothering Alexander since he bruised it in the season opener at Detroit. He missed practices last week because of soreness from the bone bruise he sustained in week 1. The 2005 MVP ran for 47 yards while wearing new shoes and orthotic inserts before sitting out the fourth quarter, which began with Seattle leading 42-3.

Alexander rushed for 1,880 yards and 28 touchdowns last season on the way to his MVP award. EA Sports, the makers of the ultra-popular Madden football video game series, featured him on the cover of this year's version of the game. Through three games this season, Alexander has rushed for just 187 yards and two touchdowns. He's averaged just 2.9 yards per carry and he's going to miss a start for the first time in four years. Alexander has started 69 of the Seahawks past 70 games. The only start he missed was in 2002 when he skipped a game for the birth of his daughter.

Alexander joins many other NFL superstars that have struggled in the year they were featured on the cover of Madden. Last year, Donovan McNabb suffered a sports hernia in the first game of the season and missed nearly the whole year with the injury. In 2004, Michael Vick fractured his right fibula a day after the game hit the shelves in a preseason game. In 2003, Marshall Faulk suffered an ankle injury that eventually led to his retirement a few years later. In 2002, Daunte Culpepper went 4-7 before suffering a season ending knee injury. And in 2000, Barry Sanders shared the cover and suddenly retired before training camp.

Friday, September 22, 2006

This is my shout out to Joya B.

Joya wanted to be on the site so I let her put a clip from one of her favorite shows.