Thursday, July 26, 2007

Godly Compassion

As we open our hearts to minister to those around us, we soon
discover we live in an imperfect world full of sickness, heartache,
and frustrations. Many of us (many more than we realize) are facing
trials which are sometimes quite severe. When we are finally invited
into someone's private world and allowed to hear of their pain, it
can be difficult to know what to do or say.

As we grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus, we learn of His truths:
"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all
circumstances" (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). We understand and usually
have some actual experience with God's loving plan and purpose; "in
all things, God works for the good of those who love Him" (Romans
8:28). But there are times when this type of advice - even this type
of truth - can be a little cold and fail to comfort or draw someone
closer to God.

While it's absolutely true that God will use our pain and suffering
for His glory, it may not be the first response someone needs to hear
when they enter a difficult trial; "There is a time for
everything...a time to be silent and a time to speak" (Ecclesiastes
3:1,7). We must learn to be more sensitive to the real need.

When Lazarus became very sick, Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus but
He did not come until after Lazarus died. Mary fell at Jesus' feet
and cried: "Lord if You had been here, my brother would not have
died" (John 11:32). At that moment, Jesus did NOT begin preaching
"Rejoice in the Lord always!" (Philippians 4:4). There would be
other opportunities for sermons, other opportunities to speak about
faith and trust, but this was a time for compassion.

John 11:33,35
"When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her
also weeping, He was deeply moved in spirit and troubled...Jesus wept."

The Creator of the Universe wept! From the beginning of time, Jesus
knew He was going to raise Lazarus from the dead; He knew many lives
would soon be changed through this miracle. But "Jesus loved Martha
and her sister and Lazarus" (John 11:5). Though this pain and sorrow
was necessary in the context of God's sovereign plan, these were real
people who were grieving and Jesus took time to show He truly cared
and understood their pain.

The world is in great need of the healing power of Jesus Christ. Sin
has caused separation from God and left many lives in a mess. As we
minister through encouragement and the truth of God's Word, we are
called to do so while "speaking the truth in love" (Ephesians
4:15). But love does not exist outside of a relationship. And in a
loving relationship we will often best demonstrate God's truth by
listening and comforting with a Godly compassion.

Have a Christ Centered Day!

Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries

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Scripture references: The Holy Bible: New International Version.
Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.

God's Daily Word Ministries
P.O. Box 190
Lorena, TX 76655

Eternally Secure

In the last two messages we've considered how the gift of eternal
life is given to "everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him"
(John 6:40). But we also saw that belief is much more than a mere
acknowledgement of existence; "Even the demons believe that - and
shudder" (James 2:19). Eternal life is a gift given only to those
who so intensely believe that Jesus is the only way to receive
forgiveness that they stand before a living God and enter into an
eternal covenant.

Covenants were first introduced by God to Noah after the flood; "I
establish My covenant with you: Never again will all life be cut off
by the waters of a flood" (Genesis 9:11). Over the years, God made
covenants with Abraham (Genesis 15), the nation of Israel through
Moses (Exodus 19), and with David (2 Samuel 7). In each case, God
initiated the covenant and clearly established the guidelines.

Through the prophet Jeremiah, God spoke about the new covenant He
would make through Jesus; "I will put my law in their minds and write
it on their hearts. I will be their God and they will be my people"
(Jeremiah 31:33). This new covenant was designed to be permanent and
under God's complete protection: "I will make an everlasting covenant
with them: I will never stop doing good to them, and I will inspire
them to fear Me, so that they will never turn away from Me" (Jeremiah
32:40). Through the prophet Ezekiel, God gave further indication of
how this would be accomplished:

Ezekiel 36:26-27
"I will give you a new heart and put a new Spirit in you; I will
remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.
And I will put My Spirit in you and move you to follow My decrees and
be careful to keep My laws."

When we truly believe in Jesus, we enter into a covenant and God
transforms our heart by His Spirit; "a deposit guaranteeing our
inheritance" (Ephesians 1:14). At that moment we are "sealed for the
day of redemption" (Ephesians 4:30). And when we enter into His
saving covenant, we are purchased with the blood of Jesus: "You are
not your own; you were bought at a price" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

We are still called to continue in the faith, but God has promised we
WILL continue; "He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will
be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Corinthians
1:8). He is the giver and sustainer of eternal life; "I give them
eternal life, and they shall never perish" (John 10:28).

There is debate whether this covenant can ever be broken, whether it
is eternal. But perhaps this only distracts from the greater
truth. We are called to love God and continue to love Him with all
our heart. This calling is clear! Let's remain within His arms of
love, and trust that as we do, we are eternally secure.

Have a Christ Centered Day!

Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries

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Scripture references: The Holy Bible: New International Version.
Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.

God's Daily Word Ministries
P.O. Box 190
Lorena, TX 76655

A Belief That Saves

In the message "The Father's Will" we saw that not all who do great
things for God will enter Heaven, but "only he who does the will of
My Father" (Matthew 7:21). We further saw that the Father's will is
"that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have
eternal life" (John 6:40). We are given the gift of eternal life
because of our belief in Jesus, not because of ANYTHING we do; "all
our righteous acts are like filthy rags" (Isaiah 64:6).

Salvation can never be earned, it is a gift to those who
believe. However, we must understand what it means to believe and
what changes will occur when we believe. "You believe that there is
one God. Good! Even the demons believe that - and shudder" (James
2:19). A saving belief is much more than just acknowledging God's
existence or even the existence of His Son - even the demons believe this!

Belief in Jesus in never simply an intellectual
understanding. Belief implies a humble surrender. We will never
"look to the Son" unless we first recognize our eternally lost
condition due to sin; and we will never truly "believe in Him" until
we accept our complete inability to save ourselves. A drowning man
will never reach up for help until he first understands and accepts
his need to be rescued.

To be rescued, we must believe so completely that we abandon all
other "rescuers" and cling to the only One who can truly save; "any
of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be My disciple"
(Luke 14:33). Giving up everything cannot save us, but true belief
gives up all other sources of hope. It also reveals the trivial
nature of our worldly attachments and creates an understanding that
everything belongs to Him. We see our life as lived for Him and do
ALL for His glory.

James 2:14,17
"What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has
no deeds? Can such faith save him? ... In the same way, faith by
itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."

Belief must produce a change in our life or we know it is not a true
belief - it is nothing more than dead intellectual understanding! At
the moment we truly believe, we are "marked in Him with a seal, the
promised Holy Spirit" (Ephesians 1:13), and we become "a new
creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2 Corinthians
5:17). Belief creates change through the work of the Holy Spirit!!

If we lack the evidence of a changed life, we must not focus on
creating the change. This type of change becomes self-righteous
"filthy rags." Rather, we must return to the cross and place ALL our
trust in Jesus, believing He has paid the penalty for our sin and has
granted us passage through the narrow gate to eternal life. As we
completely turn over control to our Heavenly Father, fruit and good
deeds will abound. Our life will be forever changed, but only when
we begin with a belief that saves.

Have a Christ Centered Day!

Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries

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Scripture references: The Holy Bible: New International Version.
Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.

God's Daily Word Ministries
P.O. Box 190
Lorena, TX 76655

Millionaires in the Making: The Magtibays

Aris and Maria Magtibay

Ages: Aris 38, Maria 36
Occupations: Pricing manager and bank manager
Salary: $115,000 combined
401(k): $180,000
IRA: $23,000
529 plan: $14,000
Home equity: $81,000
Emergency Fund: $3,000

Money isn’t just a means for Aris Magtibay of San Antonio, Texas – it’s a full-time obsession.

magtibay03.jpgSince getting his degree in finance in 1991 from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Va., he’s putting abstract concepts from his education - like asset allocation and the importance of compounding money - to work in the real world.

Aris has documented all of his spending in Microsoft Money since graduation. If he buys a $3.99 value meal on his debit card at McDonald’s, it goes into the books. He says he takes no offense to the teasing he gets from coworkers and friends about his obsession.

“Although I must admit: if I spent as much time trying to make money as tracking the money I have, I’d be a rich man,” he jokes.

Aris’s big indulgence is the lottery - $7 in tickets each week. He calls it his investment that hasn’t paid off just yet.

He and his wife, Maria, were both born in the Philippines, although his family moved to Virginia when he was 3 years old. Maria spent most of her life in the island nation before the couple married in 1993. Aris met Maria while vacationing there, and she moved to the U.S. just three weeks before their marriage.

They have a son, Jared, who’s 13. The couple has built up $14,000 in a 529 college savings plan. They’re adding $100 a month, hoping to reach $20,000 by the time Jared is ready for school.

Aris and Maria earn a combined $115,000 a year before taxes. He works as a pricing manager for a telecom company, and she’s a manager at a bank. They each sock away 10 percent of their salaries in 401(k)s, putting in a total of $1,150 a month. Their employers match add an additional $500. They also put $50 per month into their Roth IRA.

The Magtibays bought a new home in San Antonio early this year for $315,000 with 20 percent down, spending some of their emergency savings to make the down payment. They pay $1,500 a month towards a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage at 6.25 percent, and expect to pay it off in 21 years.

“The goal is to pay the mortgage off before we begin dipping into our 401(k)s and IRAs,” said Aris.

After buying the house, their emergency savings are down to $3,000 in cash. They also have $1,200 in a bond exchange traded fund (ETF).

Aris handles his own investments wherever possible and says he prefers ETFs and individual stocks over mutual funds. Maria’s Roth IRA is also in the aggressive growth Janus Orion Fund.

Aris is trying learn more about investing and has recently started to trade options. They can take years to learn and can be risky.

The couple owns a 2006 Nissan Pathfinder and a 2006 Nissan Altima, both of which they lease for a total of $850 a month.

“I think that’s our Achilles heel,” said Aris. “We’re the type who wants to drive something brand new every five years.”

Each month, they spend $600 on food, $500 on utilities, and $700 on taxes. They’re also paying $700 a month on $11,000 in credit-card debt.

For security, they have two term life insurance policies for $500,000 each, plus homeowner’s insurance for 120 percent replacement value.

The couple’s goal is to have $1 million in assets, including home equity, by the time that Aris reaches age 50. After their retirement, they’d like to have $100,000 a year in income to live on.

Our Expert’s Take: The Magtibays are in pretty good shape, and on track to be millionaires by age 50 - but they could do better, said Greg Gardner, Certified Financial Planner with Gardner Group wealth management.

“They need to really beef up their savings account so they have six months worth of emergency liquid savings,” he said.

In addition, Gardner estimated that they are currently saving enough to withdraw only $93,000 annually in retirement - short of their $100,000 goal - assuming they live to 95.

In order to make up the budget gap in retirement, he listed three options. “They can buckle down and work one year beyond the typical retirement age of 65, or they could choose to save $850 more per month now, or adjust their spending down at retirement,” he said.

“But they’re definitely going to be able to save a lot more money once Jared leaves the house,” said Gardner.

For their emergency fund, they should have $20,000 to $30,000 – essentially six months worth of expenses – at the minimum. It should be completely liquid, in an interest-earning account like a money-market fund, says Gardner.

Finally, they should purchase larger life insurance packages, he said. “They’re a little bit underinsured at the moment,” said Gardner. “If one gets laid off, there’s not enough money in the emergency savings or the taxable investment accounts to draw on. If you were forced to liquidate money from the 401(k)s and IRAs, you’re talking taxes and penalties to get to those funds.”

Are you a millionaire in the making? Tell us why at


Sharpton Backs Off Imus, Targets Record Industry

July 25th, 2007 | Author: Omar Burgess

It appears that the Reverend Al Sharpton's crusade against what he deems to be objectionable content within Hip-Hop music is shifting fronts. During Monday's press conference to announce the formation of a Buffalo Chapter of his National Action Network, Sharpton supported a proposal by New York Senator Antoine Thompson to divest an estimated $3 billion of New York's state pension from record companies in hopes of opening up a dialogue with industry executives.

Thompson, a Democrat representing New York's 60th District said, "We just want to have more responsible entertainment where we're not using language that's offensive to anybody." The move is the latest in a series of actions that has seen Sharpton and his peers take exception with lyrics he feels are "celebrating a culture of depravity and decadence." Sharpton stepped up is efforts in the wake of the Don Imus firing and he also made a similar plea to artists during June's BET Awards.

And while many speculate the firing of Imus sparked Sharpton's renewed interest in the content of Hip-Hop's lyrics, the Reverend can be quoted in an online interview with Radar Magazine saying he wouldn't necessarily oppose an Imus comeback. "My position is that we never called for him to be permanently barred from being on the air," Sharpton said. "We'll see when he comes back, and if he comes back, what are the boundaries and what is the understanding. We'll be monitoring the situation, but we wanted him to pay for being a repeat abuser, and he paid. We never said we didn't want him to make a living."


Monday, July 23, 2007

Injured Iraq war vets sue VA over delays

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Frustrated by delays in health care, a coalition of injured Iraq war veterans is accusing VA Secretary Jim Nicholson of breaking the law by denying them disability pay and mental health treatment.

"Unless systemic and drastic measures are instituted immediately, the costs to these veterans, their families, and our nation will be incalculable, including broken families, a new generation of unemployed and homeless veterans, increases in drug abuse and alcoholism, and crushing burdens on the health care delivery system," the complaint states.

It asks that a federal court order the VA to make immediate improvements that would speed disability payments, ensure fairness in awards and provide more complete access to mental health care.

Earlier this month, a federal appeals court in San Francisco issued a strong rebuke of the VA in ordering the agency to pay retroactive benefits to Vietnam War veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange and contracted a form of leukemia.

"The performance of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs has contributed substantially to our sense of national shame," the opinion from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals read.

Nicholson abruptly announced last week he would step down by October 1 to return to the private sector. He has repeatedly defended the agency during his 21/2-year tenure while acknowledging there was room for improvement.

More recently, following high-profile suicide incidents in which families of veterans say the VA did not provide adequate care, Nicholson pledged to add mental health services and hire more suicide-prevention coordinators.

Some veterans say those measures aren't enough. In the lawsuit, they note that government investigators warned as early as 2002 that the VA needed to fix its backlogged claims system and make other changes.

Yet, the lawsuit says, Nicholson and other officials still insisted on a budget in 2005 that fell $1 billion short, and they made "a mockery of the rule of law" by awarding senior officials $3.8 million in bonuses despite their role in the budget foul-up.

Today, the VA's backlog of disability payments is now between 400,000 and 600,000, with delays of up to 177 days to process an initial claim and an average of 657 days to process an appeal. Several congressional committees and a presidential commission are now studying ways to improve care.
The class-action lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, filed Monday in federal court in San Francisco, seeks broad change in the agency as it struggles to meet growing demands from veterans returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Suing on behalf of hundreds of thousands of veterans, it charges that the VA has failed warriors on several fronts -- from providing prompt disability benefits, to adding staff to reduce wait times for medical care to boosting services for post-traumatic stress disorder.

The lawsuit also accuses the VA of deliberately cheating some veterans by allegedly working with the Pentagon to misclassify PTSD claims as pre-existing personality disorders to avoid paying out benefits. The VA and Pentagon have generally denied such charges.

VA spokesman Matt Smith said Monday he could not comment on a pending lawsuit. But he said the agency is committed to meeting the special needs of Iraq war veterans.

"Through outreach efforts, the VA ensures returning Global War on Terror service members have access to the widely recognized quality health care they have earned including services such as prosthetics or mental health care," he said. "VA has also given priority handling to their monetary disability benefit claims."

The lawsuit comes amid intense political and public scrutiny of the VA and Pentagon following reports of shoddy outpatient care of injured soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and elsewhere.

"While steps can and will be taken in the political arena, responsibility for action lies with the agency itself," said Melissa W. Kasnitz, managing attorney for Disability Rights Advocates, in a telephone interview. Her group is teaming up with a major law firm, Morrison & Foerster, to represent the veterans.

"We don't believe the problems will be fixed by the VA if we wait for them," she said. "In the meantime, it is veterans who risk their lives for our country who are suffering the consequences."

The lawsuit cites violations of the Constitution and federal law, which mandates at least two years of health care to injured veterans.

The veterans groups involved in the lawsuit are Veterans for Common Sense in Washington, D.C., which claims 11,500 members, and Veterans United for Truth, based in Santa Barbara, California, with 500 members.

The Father's Will

We often consider how God uses all kinds of circumstances to draw us
close to His side. The purpose of being drawn close is ultimately to
be transformed to the image of His Son and to have intimate
fellowship with Him for all eternity. But initially, the purpose of
being drawn near is so we can be introduced to His Son.

The Kingdom of Heaven is open only to those who truly believe in
Jesus. We may think this to be "intolerant," but if we profess to
believe the Bible is true there can be no other conclusion: "Enter
through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road
that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is
the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find
it" (Matthew 7:13-14). Our Father is drawing us near because the
narrow gate is only open to those who are known to His Son.

Matthew 7:21-23
"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the Kingdom of
Heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father who is in Heaven.
Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in
Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many
miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away
from Me, you evildoers!'"

Clearly, being "good" does not ensure we are known by Jesus. Neither
does going to church, reading our Bible, teaching Sunday School or
even writing devotional messages! Jesus knows, and takes away the
sin, of "only he who does the will of My Father."

Fortunately, Jesus also tells us exactly how to do His Father's will:
"For My Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and
believes in Him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at
the last day" (John 6:40). The will of our Heavenly Father is to
truly know and be known by His Son.

All the wonderful things we do in the name of Jesus count absolutely
nothing toward granting us the gift of eternal life. True believers
in a risen and glorified Lord will certainly desire to turn from a
life of sin and obediently serve; "anyone who does not take his cross
and follow Me is not worthy of Me" (Matthew 10:38). But entrance
through the gate of eternal life is based ONLY on sincere belief, not
on the results of belief.

We must spread this message throughout the world and, most
importantly, we must receive this message into our own heart! All
our "good" will be burned up and cast aside if done without first
having placed the entirety of our life in His hands. He is drawing
us near because belief in Jesus is both necessary and sufficient for
our Salvation. He is drawing us near and inviting us to submit to
the Father's will.

Have a Christ Centered Day!

Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries

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Scripture references: The Holy Bible: New International Version.
Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.

God's Daily Word Ministries
P.O. Box 190
Lorena, TX 76655

John 9:26-34 - Lesson #98

In a way, I kind of feel sorry for the religious leaders during the
time of Jesus. I am often quite condemning as I read of their love
for their religious system and their inability to see God in all
Jesus did and said. I want to believe I would never be so foolish,
but then I am reminded of the blinding power of tradition. The
tradition of the Pharisees began with a desire to honor God and
follow His commands; but in the end, their tradition kept them from
seeing the One sent to be "the brightness of His glory and the
express image of His person" (Hebrews 1:3). I try to guard against
it, but I know my own traditions have a tendency to cloud my view of
Jesus. Father, forgive me!

John 9:26-34
"Then they said to him again, 'What did He do to you? How did He open
your eyes?' He answered them, 'I told you already, and you did not
listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you also want to become
His disciples?' Then they reviled him and said, 'You are His
disciple, but we are Moses' disciples. We know that God spoke to
Moses; as for this fellow, we do not know where He is from.' The man
answered and said to them, 'Why, this is a marvelous thing, that you
do not know where He is from; yet He has opened my eyes! Now we know
that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is a worshiper of God
and does His will, He hears him. Since the world began it has been
unheard of that anyone opened the eyes of one who was born blind. If
this Man were not from God, He could do nothing.' They answered and
said to him, 'You were completely born in sins, and are you teaching
us?' And they cast him out."

The man had already explained how Jesus had healed his eyes, so when
the Pharisees asked him again he became annoyed and sarcastic. The
reply of the Pharisees revealed the nature of the problem.

By claiming to be disciples of Moses, the Pharisees were saying they
were devote followers of the Law and the system of interpretations
which surrounded the Law. This much was true. But what they had
failed to see was that Jesus was and is the supreme exalted focus,
even in the words of Moses; "if you believed Moses, you would believe
Me; for he wrote about Me" (John 5:46). But to the man who, perhaps
due to his physical blindness, was not attached to the religious
system the identity of Jesus was clear.

When the man tried to explain the simple logic which ought to have
led to belief in Jesus, the Pharisees raised the barrier of high
education and training - How dare you try to teach us! The
solution? Cast him out!

Our nature craves systems with lists of things to do and not do. We
want to be able to somehow measure our relationship with God -
measure our spiritual growth. But God's Word speaks only in terms of
faith and trust, love and hope. These are impossible to quantify,
but they are true! Let's remember that it always has been and always
will be about Jesus Christ and Him crucified for the forgiveness of
sin. If this is not our focus then our focus is being dimmed and
will eventually fade to blindness.

Have a Christ Centered Day!

Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries

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Scripture references: The Holy Bible: New International Version.
Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.

God's Daily Word Ministries
P.O. Box 190
Lorena, TX 76655

A Lifetime of Conviction

Daniel was one of the first captives taken by the Babylonians in 605
BC. Upon his arrival in Babylon, Daniel was selected to receive
three years of specialized training (as well as special food and
drink) to prepare him for service in the palace. This special
treatment would have caused Daniel to violate the laws of God, so he
"resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine" (Daniel 1:8).

His convictions had a profound impact on those around him -
especially his three closest friends who were soon thrown into a
fiery furnace for refusing to bow to a golden image; "We want you to
know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image
of gold you have set up" (Daniel 3:18).

Daniel served seventy years under the kings of Babylon and his
convictions earned him a place as the most trusted advisor in all the
land. When the Persians defeated the Babylonians, the new king even
"planned to set {Daniel} over the whole kingdom" (Daniel 6:3). But
when the other officials became jealous, they convinced the king to
pass a law forbidding prayer to anyone except the king.

Though he knew he would be severely punished, Daniel held to his
convictions and prayed to God three times a day. For this violation
of the law, Daniel was thrown into a den of lions; but "God sent His
angel, and He shut the mouths of the lions" (Daniel 6:22). When the
king saw how God miraculously protected Daniel, he issued the
following decree:

Daniel 6:26
"I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear
and reverence the God of Daniel. For He is the living God and He
endures forever."

There were many opportunities for Daniel to question his
circumstances. He was taken into captivity at a young age, tempted
with special treatment, despised by his peers, thrown to the lions,
and served an entire lifetime under foreign rulers. But, without a
single complaint, Daniel continued to trust God and serve Him without
compromise. In the end, Daniel was used to encourage the Jews while
in captivity and to draw an entire nation to a greater reverence of
God. Shortly after the decree was issued 50,000 Jews were allowed to
return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple.

Stories like this are scattered all through God's Word! We may not
understand our circumstances or be able to see God's plan, but we
KNOW which way He's calling us to walk. Let's continue to serve and
trust with all our heart. Let's walk down His path without turning
to the right or to the left. Regardless of our present
circumstances, let's determine once and for all to give Him a
lifetime of conviction.

Have a Great Day!

Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries

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Scripture references: The Holy Bible: New International Version.
Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.

God's Daily Word Ministries
P.O. Box 190
Lorena, TX 76655

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Such a Time As This

When the Persians overthrew the Babylonians and allowed the people of
Israel to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple (538 BC), not all
the Israelites chose to leave their new home. A whole generation had
been born and raised under Babylonian captivity and many had become
content with their life. The resulting Persian empire contained many
Jewish communities.

When Xerxes was King of this vast empire he commanded the Queen to be
displayed before all the visiting dignitaries at a banquet. But when
the Queen refused, Xerxes removed her title and began to search for a
replacement. The search resulted in a young Jewish girl named Esther
being made Queen - not a normal position for a young Jew!

Meanwhile, a plot had developed to kill the Jews in all the provinces
of Persia. Esther's cousin, Mordecai, knew of this plot and pleaded
with Esther to approach the King for help, but Esther was
understandably reluctant. She was being very well cared for and
approaching the King without first being invited could lead to
death. Mordecai encouraged Esther to view her life as being part of
God's wonderful plan.

Esther 4:14
"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for
the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's
family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal
position for such a time as this?"

God allowed Esther to become Queen, not as a reward for being good,
but "for such a time as this." God could have used other methods to
save the Jews, but He chose to invite a beautiful young woman to play
a part. Esther put her life at risk, persuaded the King, and saved
her people from certain destruction.

The wisdom and truth of Mordecai's words resound through the ages:
God's work WILL be accomplished, His plan WILL unfold, deliverance
WILL arise! It's humbling, and often very freeing, to know that God
really doesn't need us - He's perfectly capable without our
help! But it's also very comforting to know that God is inviting us
to join Him in His work and walk by His side to certain victory.

We may never be invited to a role as dramatic as Esther's, but we
must join our Heavenly Father from right where we are today! We have
come to our particular position - no matter how elevated, no matter
how low - for the purpose of bringing Him glory and honor. Let's
listen carefully for what He's asking us to do and understand we're
right where we need to be and right where He wants us! He has
created us for a purpose. He has brought us to our present situation
for such a time as this.

Have a Great Day!

Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries

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Scripture references: The Holy Bible: New International Version.
Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.

God's Daily Word Ministries
P.O. Box 190
Lorena, TX 76655

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Right Where He Wants Us

Joseph was the second youngest son of Jacob and greatly loved by his
father. In fact, his brothers developed a jealous hatred for him
because their father "loved Joseph more than any of his other sons"
(Genesis 37:3). Their hatred for Joseph continued to grow until they
"sold him for twenty shekels of silver to the Ishmaelites who took
him to Egypt" (Genesis 37:28). Joseph was then sold to Potiphar, the
captain of the guard for Pharaoh, and was soon falsely accused by
Potiphar's wife and thrown in jail.

At this point, Joseph could really have felt sorry for himself -
things were definitely not going well! Only a short time before,
Joseph's path had seemed well established; his father loved him, he
knew where he was going, and his life was filled with joy. Now,
locked up and in a foreign land, Joseph's life seemed to have taken a
drastic turn for the worse.

Genesis 39:20-22
"But while Joseph was there in the prison, the Lord was with him; He
showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison
warden. So the warden put Joseph in charge of all those held in the
prison, and he was made responsible for all that was done there."

It's safe to say that all of us, at different times during our walk
with the Lord, feel like we've been sent far away and locked up. We
feel distanced from God and unable to change our
circumstances. Others seem to be pushing all the buttons and we sink
into a deep despair.

But is it possible God is much closer than we think? "Never will I
leave you; never will I forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5). Is it possible
He is working (even now!) this terrible situation toward the
good? "In all things God works for the good of those who love Him"
(Romans 8:28). And is it possible that in the middle of our "prison"
God has much work for us to do?

While in jail, Joseph interpreted dreams for Pharaoh's officials
(Genesis 40) and was then called to interpret a dream for Pharaoh;
"I've heard it said of you that when you hear a dream you can
interpret it" (Genesis 41:15). Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dream
and was placed in a position of great responsibility; "You shall be
in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your
orders" (Genesis 41:40). It was God's plan to place Joseph in
control of the distribution of food, and therefore, to save many
lives...including the lives of his father and brothers (Genesis 42-48).

No matter what this day brings - no matter how trapped we feel - we
must keep looking for God's good and trusting that His plan is
unfolding. He is using our circumstances to mold us and draw us
close to His side; and He's using our testimony of faith to encourage
others to love Him more. We must believe that, even in the middle of
our prison, God is in control and we are right where He wants us!

Have a Great Day!

Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries

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Scripture references: The Holy Bible: New International Version.
Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.

God's Daily Word Ministries
P.O. Box 190
Lorena, TX 76655

A Defeated Enemy

As we study God's Word, we should be reminded of how fortunate we are
to have so many stories and testimonies upon which to build our
faith. This is particularly true of the multitude of Old Testament
stories; "For everything that was written in the past was written to
teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the
Scriptures we might have hope" (Romans 15:4). One of the great
encouragements is shared through a prostitute named Rahab.

As Joshua led the Israelites out of the desert and into the promised
land of Canaan, the first enemy they faced lived in the mighty walled
city of Jericho. When spies were sent to Jericho to determine the
enemy's strength, Rahab told the spies, "all who live in this country
are melting in fear because of you" (Joshua 2:9). Rahab said the
people of Jericho had heard how God parted the Red Sea and how He had
been with the Israelites in previous battles.

Joshua 2:11
"When we heard of it, our hearts melted and everyone's courage failed
because of you, for the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on
the earth below."

God caused the walls of Jericho to collapse and allowed the
Israelites to take the city, but the first enemy in the promised land
was conquered long before the Israelite army arrived. The people of
Jericho knew of God's miraculous power and were already
defeated. The only thing necessary for victory was for the
Israelites to show they were willing to walk in the strength God provided.

God does not desire for us to remain in the desert. He has "plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"
(Jeremiah 29:11). But in order to enter the promised land, we must
be prepared to face our enemies and trust in the strength of our
Heavenly Father.

The enemy "prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to
devour" (1 Peter 5:8). This enemy is very real and ready to attack
our areas of weakness. But the enemy is also well aware of God's
power and will turn away any time we make a stand; "Resist the devil,
and he will flee from you" (James 4:7). The enemy's fate has been
sealed - his end has already been determined - but we must daily
resist by getting dressed for battle and then trusting in the power
of God for our strength.

Let's submit our lives into the loving hands our Heavenly Father and
boldly enter the peace-filled land He has promised. The lion will
continue to roar and try to bite, but we must never forget that Jesus
has already assured complete victory. When we trust Him with all our
heart and daily walk in His strength, we truly face a defeated enemy.

Have a Great Day!

Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries

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Scripture references: The Holy Bible: New International Version.
Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.

God's Daily Word Ministries
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Lorena, TX 76655

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Concern grows in Britain over female genital mutilation

LONDON, England (AP) -- Female genital mutilation, commonly associated with parts of Africa and the Middle East, is becoming a growing problem in Britain despite authorities' efforts to stamp it out.

Somali-born supermodel Waris Dirie survived a traditional form of the practice that kills hundreds of girls each year.

The Metropolitan Police, Britain's largest police force, hopes a campaign beginning Wednesday will highlight that the practice is a crime here.

To make their point, police are offering a 20,000-pound (euro29,500; US$40,000) reward for information leading to Britain's first prosecution for female genital mutilation, Detective Chief Superintendent Alastair Jeffrey said.

In Britain, the problem mostly involves first-generation immigrants from Africa and the Middle East.

Police say they do not have comprehensive statistics about the number of victims. But midwife Comfort Momoh, who specializes in treating them at London hospitals and clinics and who works with police, told the news conference she treats 400-500 victims every year.

Arranging or carrying out the procedure -- in Britain or abroad -- is a criminal offense punishable by up to 14 years in prison, but no one has been prosecuted since it was banned under British law in 2003, Jeffrey said. Police estimate up to 66,000 girls in Britain face the risk of genital mutilation. Video Watch why the practice is difficult to fight (VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED) »

"The timing of this campaign is for one good reason: so we can get in before the summer holidays, a time when young girls are taken abroad and subjected to genital mutilation," he told a news conference on Tuesday.

Mutilated infants, girls and women face irreversible lifelong health risks -- both physically and mentally, according to UNICEF and other charity groups.

Authorities believe the number of genital mutilation cases peaks in the summer, because the extended holiday gives girls more time to recover -- thereby making it easier for those responsible to cover up their actions.

Female genital mutilation usually involves the removal of the clitoris and other parts of female genitalia. Those who practice it say it tames a girl's sexual desire and maintains her honor.

It is practiced by Muslims and Christians alike, deeply rooted in the Nile Valley region and parts of sub-Saharan African, and is also done in Yemen and Oman. Through migration, the practice has spread to Western countries like Britain.

Between 100 million and 140 million women are believed to have been subjected to the practice in Africa and an additional 3 million girls face the threat of female genital mutilation every year, according to UNICEF.

Detective Inspector Carol Hamilton, who has been investigating the practice since 2004, said some immigrants in Britain may bring practitioners from their home country to mutilate several children because it is cheaper.

She said children not only suffer terrible physical injuries, but can also be left emotionally scarred.

Salimata Badji-Knight was mutilated when she was 4 in her native Senegal. Her parents had promised her a picnic, but instead she said she was attacked by women who had no medical training.

Now married and living in London, she fears she may not be able to have children because of the procedure. She hopes that by sharing her experiences she can prevent parents from subjecting their daughters to similar abuse.

"Why do they need to go and mutilate a young innocent person without her knowing what is going to happen, just for culture?" Badji-Knight said. "It does not add up for me."


Somali-born supermodel Waris Dirie survived a traditional form of the practice that kills hundreds of girls each year.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy is set to present the "Chevalier de la Legion d'honneur" to her on Thursday for her work as a leading critic of female genital mutilation, which has seen her tour parts of Africa to speak out against the practice.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Dressed For Battle

The life of a soldier at war is difficult. They live under the
constant threat of attack. Each day they must prepare for
battle. Each day they must make sure they are properly dressed to
face the enemy.

In a very real sense, we are ALL at war! Every child of God faces an
enemy who is determined to engage us in battle each and every
day. These battles will not look the same as those we see reported
or those we see with our own eyes; "For our struggle is not against
flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities,
against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual
forces of evil in the heavenly realms" (Ephesians 6:12). But the
enemy we face is just as real and the attacks are just as
damaging. Many of us feel defenseless against such attacks - we feel
defeated with no hope of victory - but Paul tells us how to get
properly dressed and stand through the battles.

Ephesians 6:14-17
"Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist,
with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet
fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In
addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can
extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of
salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God."

Yes, the attacks are going to come. But we cannot wait for the
battle to begin before getting dressed and putting on our
equipment. Each day (without fail!) - before the enemy has an
opportunity to attack - we must "put on the full armor of God"
(Ephesians 6:13).

The belt of truth protects us from the enemy's deceptive lies which
pull us down the path of worldly priorities and temptation. The
breastplate of righteousness protects our heart from feeling unworthy
- we are made completely worthy through faith in Jesus (Romans
3:22). The gospel of peace on our feet prepares us to share the good
news of Jesus and "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew
28:19). This is our mission as we go into the world.

We hold up the shield of faith - which is "of greater worth than
gold" (1 Peter 1:7) - to remind us of God's faithfulness in previous
battles and protect us from the constant arrows of fear. The helmet
of Salvation protects our mind from debilitating doubts - "so that we
may know we have eternal life" (1 John 5:13). Finally, we pick up
the sword of the Spirit - the Word of God - and directly engage the
enemy when necessary.

The enemy is determined to steal our joy and cause us to be
ineffective soldiers for God. Let's ruin his plan! Let's defeat the
enemy before the attacks even begin by starting each and every day
with getting fully dressed for battle.

Have a Great Day!

Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries

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Scripture references: The Holy Bible: New International Version.
Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.

God's Daily Word Ministries
P.O. Box 190
Lorena, TX 76655

Money for life without a 401(k)

It's never too late to get a jump on retirement savings, even if your job doesn't provide a plan, says Walter Updegrave, and the Roth IRA is a great way to do it.

By Walter Updegrave, Money Magazine senior editor
July 10 2007: 9:49 AM EDT
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NEW YORK (Money) -- Question: I'm in my early 30s and have yet to save for retirement. Unfortunately, my job doesn't provide a pension or a 401(k), so I need to rely on myself to save money. Can you give me some advice on how I can get started? - Annette, Ewing, New Jersey

Answer: Sure, glad to help. But before I tell you what you ought to do, let me first say that there's no need to panic just because you're starting from scratch in your early 30s. Yes, the earlier you start saving for retirement, the better. But you've still got a good 30 years or more to build a retirement nest egg. That's plenty of time, although you're going to have to put a little more into your savings effort than people who are getting help from their employer.
401(k)s and IRAs: Grow your money, shrink your taxes

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Should you invest an extra $300 per month in a ROTH IRA or your 401 (k)? Money Magazine's Walter Updegrave answers a reader's question about how to maximize your savings.
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So how do you jump start your retirement-savings effort without a workplace plan? Well, the first thing you want to do is fund any tax-advantaged savings plans you can.

At the very least you probably should be able to do either a traditional deductible IRA or a Roth IRA. Assuming you qualify - which you can check by perusing IRS Publication 590: Individual Retirement Arrangements or going to this calculator - you can contribute up to $4,000 this year and $5,000 in 2008 (people 50 and older can throw in an additional thousand bucks).

With a deductible IRA, you get a tax deduction for the amount you contribute. So if you're in the 25 percent tax bracket and you sock away $4,000, you get a deduction worth $1,000.

With a Roth IRA, by contrast, you don't get an upfront deduction, but withdrawals can be tax-free, assuming you meet the requirements. Generally, the traditional IRA is better if you think you'll fall into a lower tax bracket in retirement than you're in now, while a Roth is superior if you think you'll be in the same or higher tax bracket.

Of course, trying to predict your future tax rate is kind of like predicting what political party will hold the White House 30 years from now. If you don't have strong feelings either way about this, I'd probably go with the Roth for two reasons. First, it effectively allows you to shelter more money from taxes. (For why that's the case, click here.)

Second, as you age, chances are you'll at some point work for a company that offers a 401(k), which means you'll likely have ample opportunity to accumulate savings that will be taxed at withdrawal. So having the Roth now increases the chance that you'll be able to diversify your tax exposure in retirement. Whichever you choose, contribute the max, if you can.
Where to put $5,000 now

If you have self-employment income, there are other retirement savings plans you can also take advantage of, such as a SEP or solo 401(k). So if you have such income from freelance or consulting work - or you can create some - you can add to your nest egg by contributing to plans designed for small businesses and the self-employed. For more on how these plans work and how much you can contribute, click here.

Don't be shy about saving for retirement outside tax-advantaged plans too. Remember: People who participate in 401(k)s typically get matching contributions from their employer. The most prevalent arrangement is a match of 50 cents for each dollar the worker contributes of the first 6 percent of salary.

Since you're not getting a company match, you need to compensate by trying to save all you can in regular old taxable accounts as well. You won't get a tax break in a taxable account in the same sense you do with a 401(k) or IRA.

But you can still save in a tax-smart way by investing in index funds and tax-managed funds, both of which tend to keep taxable distributions down. This effectively boosts your after-tax return and the value of your nest egg. You can find out more about these options by clicking here.

Of course, disciplined saving can be tough when money isn't automatically going into your retirement account before you can get your hands on it, as is the case with a 401(k).

So I recommend you try to duplicate the convenience of 401(k) payroll deductions by setting up an automatic investing plan. Virtually all mutual fund companies offer you the option of having a pre-set sum - usually $50 or more - automatically deposited from your checking account into your mutual fund.

The beauty of this approach is that once you set it up, it all operates behind the scenes, eliminating the chance that you'll "forget" to save one month (or two or three). I highly recommend you apply this approach both to any IRA or other retirement savings account you open.

I signed up for such an arrangement a little over 10 years ago, and I can tell you that it's nothing short of amazing how within a few years even relatively small contributions turn into "real" money (not to mention money that, to my mind at least, is all the sweeter since I know I'd probably have just spent it on meaningless little things if it had been sitting in my checking account).

One final thing you can do to improve your retirement prospects is to keep an eye out for a job that offers comparable or better pay and benefits plus a 401(k) or pension (or both for that matter). If you can land such a gig and keep up as much as possible the saving program I've recommended above, you will really be on the express route to a secure retirement. Top of page
Were you born before 1964? What's the one thing you really want to make sure you do in your lifetime? Is your Must-Do Goal to climb Mount Everest? Join the Peace Corps? Open a restaurant? We want to put you in touch with financial experts who can help you make your dream a reality. You may be featured in the October issue of Money Magazine. E-mail us at

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Sacrifice of Weakness

In the message "Remain Like a Child" we considered our need to come
to our Heavenly Father with an understanding that we have no ability
to save ourselves. We then saw our call to continually approach God
like a little child approaching a loving Father; "whoever humbles
himself like this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of
Heaven" (Matthew 18:4).

But, we say, surely God doesn't want us to remain as a
child. Doesn't He want us to grow? Absolutely! Paul addressed the
Corinthian church as worldly rather than spiritual because they were
"mere infants in Christ" (1 Corinthians 3:1). The church was
experiencing many trials because they had failed to grow: "I gave you
milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it. Indeed, you are
still not ready" (1 Corinthians 3:2).

God's Word never calls us to maintain the faith or spiritual
understanding of a child. These simple qualities are important, but
we must continually grow and send down the deep roots which will
weather the storm. What we are called to maintain is the simple
humility of a child. We must learn to be secure in our Father's hand
and to "approach the throne of grace with confidence" (Hebrews 4:16),
but we must never let our confidence and security lead to an
ungrateful assumption of His grace. We initially came to God weak
and helpless; and no matter how much we grow - no matter how deep our
roots - we remain weak and unable to add a single grain to the grace
which He has poured over us.

But our weakness is good! In fact, an understanding of our weakness
apart from Christ and our continued walk of weakness is one of the
few offerings we can give to our Lord.

2 Corinthians 12:9,10
"'My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in
weakness.' ...That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in
weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in
difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."

God has chosen to unfold His plan through the lives of His
children. We are to reflect the light of Christ into a dark and
lifeless world; "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God
were making His appeal through us" (2 Corinthians 5:20). And the
world will best see Christ as we remove our own perceived strength
and allow the power of God to freely work through us: His power is
made perfect as I get my "self" out of the way and walk with a humble weakness.

It's interesting that one of the greatest things we can give to God
is an understanding of what we do not have. Let's strip away our
pride and once again approach Him with empty hands. Let's offer our
lives as a living sacrifice, as a humble sacrifice of weakness.

Have a Great Day!

Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries

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Scripture references: The Holy Bible: New International Version.
Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.

God's Daily Word Ministries
P.O. Box 190
Lorena, TX 76655

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Remain Like a Child

In the message "Hold Me" we saw how our Heavenly Father desires for
us to reach up to Him with outstretched arms and how this is perhaps
His greatest joy. We considered the example of a child reaching up
to be held by their parent. This is where our relationship with God
begins and, in many ways, it's where we must remain.

When the disciples asked Jesus, "Who is the greatest in the Kingdom
of Heaven?" (Matthew 18:1), He responded with a harsh rebuke; "Unless
you change and become like little children, you will never enter the
Kingdom of Heaven" (Matthew 18:3). The disciples were arguing about
their eternal "greatness" and Jesus said unless they changed they
would not even enter Heaven! Obviously, following Jesus, listening
to His teachings, and having a general belief is not enough.

Salvation, or as Jesus said, "enter{ing} the Kingdom of Heaven,"
involves a submission which understands our inability to save
ourselves. We can do nothing but present the "filthy rags" (Isaiah
64:6) of our life and receive the mercy and forgiveness of a loving
Father. Salvation is not something we rise up and achieve; rather,
it's a gift for which we must submit and receive. When we understand
this gift, we will be filled with such thankfulness that our only
desire will be to love Him and do ALL to bring Him glory and honor.

Matthew 18:4
"Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest
in the Kingdom of Heaven."

Becoming like a little child, humbly dependent on Christ, is
necessary for entering the Kingdom; but walking in humility as we
grow is God's desire for our entire life. We are to be "conformed to
the likeness of His Son" (Romans 8:29). But it was His Son "Who,
being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God
something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing...He humbled
Himself and became obedient to death" (Philippians 2:6-8). We are
being conformed to His humility.

The great temptation of Spiritual "growth" is in thinking we have all
the answers and thus desiring to establish our own path with its own
set of rules - we become like the know-it-all teenager. When this
occurs, we must immediately, and with great determination, humble
ourselves and put to death the rebellious pride which leads us
astray. We must "trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not
on your own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5). We must daily remember
the children we really are...and the children we need to continually become.

We must continue to grow and mature. We must learn more of our
Heavenly Father and His desire for our life, walk in faith and be
obedient to all He has commanded. But we must also remember that as
we grow, we are to walk in humility and always remain like a child.

Have a Great Day!

Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries

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Scripture references: The Holy Bible: New International Version.
Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.

God's Daily Word Ministries
P.O. Box 190
Lorena, TX 76655

Monday, July 02, 2007

Hold Me

In the message "Step Toward Jesus" we were encouraged to examine the
motivation for the things we do, and exhorted to do ALL things for
the love of being closer to Jesus. This is the essence of our
relationship with our Father - simple, but absolute love.

When a young child wants to be held, they simply reach up their arms
and say: "Hold me!" Children may be hurt, scared, or tired; they may
not even know why they want to be held, but they know that spending
time in arms of love seems to make everything better.

And as a parent looks down at their child, they rarely evaluate them
to determine if they deserve to be held, or send them away to earn
affection. Rather, they simply pick up the child and hold them with
no words even being required. In truth, moments like this bring
parents some of their greatest joy!

Matthew 18:3
"I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little
children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

Our Heavenly Father loves us very much! He wants us to come to Him
with outstretched arms. He wants to pick us up and hold us
tight. In truth, moments like this bring His greatest joy! And yet,
we spend most of our days avoiding our Father's loving arms. We seek
other forms of comfort and work to earn our Father's affection. We
pour our heart into projects thinking they are vitally important to
God's work; "Daddy, look what I made for You!" But our best efforts
are as grade school pencil holders and disfigured flower pots. Our
Father smiles at these simple gifts but wishes we would understand.

There's much work to do for the Kingdom of God, but none more
important than loving and being loved by the One who has loved us
since the beginning of time; "Love the Lord your God with all your
heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your
strength" (Mark 12:30).

This can be a difficult concept for many who have not grown up with
the unconditional love and acceptance of an earthly father - but our
Father in Heaven is like none we've ever known. He created us for a
relationship of love and "gave His one and only Son" (John 3:16) so
we could be restored to the relationship which sin stole away. Let
there be no doubt of His love and His promise; "Never will I leave
you; never will I forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5).

He longs for us to return! Yes, we must clean our room, take out the
trash, and treat others nice on the playground - but at the end of
the day, His greatest desire is that we reach up with empty arms and
say: I love You Daddy...hold me!

Have a Great Day!

Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries

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Scripture references: The Holy Bible: New International Version.
Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.

God's Daily Word Ministries
P.O. Box 190
Lorena, TX 76655