Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Other Voices: HBO tackles NFL head injuries


Ted Johnson has a vacant look in his eyes as he stares into the camera.

The former New England Patriots linebacker, attired in a dark suit, has "cleaned up" for his HBO interview with Bernard Goldberg after spending the previous 11 days in a darkened apartment.

"I don't shave ... don't shower ... don't brush my teeth ... you can't care," Johnson says in a negative, disheartened tone.

Now living in a shadowy, mixed-up world, Johnson is one of several former NFL players who have been victims of numerous helmet-crushing hits and are suffering from debilitating memory loss, confusion, dementia and even suicidal depression.

Their stories, which debuted Monday night on HBO's "Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel," should be a wake-up call to the NFL, which, according to HBO, hasn't paid much attention to the growing problem.

Based on Goldberg's interview with Dr. Ian Casson, a spokesman-physician for the NFL, little attention will be paid in the future.

Casson tells Goldberg there's "no clear evidence" teams are endangering the lives of players by allowing them to play after they have suffered what could have been severe head injuries.

In a smirking tone, Casson says such accusations are "overblown."

Tell that to Johnson, who recalls suffering a major concussion in a Patriots-Giants preseason game in August 2002. Four days later, coaches insisted he return to hard-knocking contact, where he suffered another concussion.

During the next several seasons, Johnson was cleared for playing by coaches, trainers and doctors. Now he exists in a shadow world, telling Goldberg he's addicted to heavy medication he's forced to take to survive.

But at least Johnson is a survivor -- so far.

Andre Waters, former hard-hitting defensive back with the Philadelphia Eagles, committed suicide in November. Doctors and pathologists agreed: The brain of Waters, 44, was muddled because of too many hits on NFL fields.

NFL fans can recall tight end John Mackey, one of the league's all-time best. It's sad to watch Mackey, in hesitant style, trying to answer Goldberg's simple, direct questions.

Mackey has a form of dementia that has removed nearly all of his short-term memory.

The finger-pointing at the lax NFL policies regarding head injuries is done by several physicians and consultant Chris Nowinski, who survived pro wrestling before getting involved in sports medicine.

Bennet Omalu, a Pittsburgh-area doctor, outlines specifically how Waters' suicide by gunshot was the result of head injuries in the NFL.

So why is the NFL seemingly unconcerned with an obvious problem?

Johnson's succinct answer: "Money, my man. It's just about making money."


Monday's "Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel" is replayed today on HBO2 at 1 p.m. and 10 p.m., and Wednesday on HBO at 3 p.m. and 11:30 p.m.

Dusty Saunders is the broadcasting critic for the Rocky Mountain News.


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