Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Great Comment

No. 9 TruthTeller says:

I know this an unpopular stance, but there seems to be an overblown obsession with race in the black community. I know, I know, the victim naturally feels the effect more than the perpetrator, but There comes a time when one becomes obsessed with the pain and forget to enjoy life, instead life is spent passing on the pain and obsession to succeeding generations, dooming them to a mental baggage that they needn’t carry.
You often read of black parents saying that ” I have to prepare my child for the prejudices of the world” , while not realizing that they might be preparing their children to a life time of mental inferiority and a lifetime of searching for prejudices, even when someone says “niggardly” that child then reacts before seeking out a dictionary.
Why NOT simply teach the child the skills needed to survive under any conditions, amongst any group, DON’T tell the child at a early age “because of your color everything in this country is stacked against you” that will cause the child to not bother to try, not bother to dream of an Obama/Condolezza life, instead have a steady march to the prison complex.

Remember, and know that there is no such thing as a White race/Black race, that was a construct designed by enslavers to divide the various ethnic groups into master race and non-humans, so when you obsess on race you are just mouthing the language of the enslavers.

1. People might have different colors and appearances but they are all the same, some good-some bad-some smart-some not so smart.
2. As a parent it’s my duty to introduce you to a person from as many ethnic groups as I can, at least one time in your life, so you will have spoken with another ethnic inhabitant of your world.
3. Remember this is your world, your land, as it is any other person, and you are entitled to your share of the pie, your share of the dream.

Sometimes the problem lies in how easily we accept our assigned roles in society, never questioning, never rebelling.

Sorry all I know my rant is inarticulate at best, but I needed to vent.


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